Teaching Experience

Details and material for courses I helped with as a TA.

During my time as a graduate student at Columbia University’s School of Engineering & Applied Science, I had the privilege of being involved in teaching alongside Prof. Zoran Kostic as a teaching assistant for his courses. On this page you will find details about the responsibilities I shouldered and links to selected teaching material I created in this capacity.

EECS E4750: Heterogenous Computing for Signal and Data Processing

Course Instructor Semester(s) Year
Prof. Zoran Kositc Fall 2020


  • Course assistance through guided examples and teaching hours.
  • Assignment creation: design challenging assignments to test OpenCL and CUDA programming concepts taught for the course.
  • Assignment, exam and project grading.

Teaching Material

I do not have permission to expose most of the course material I created for these courses, but the introductory notebooks on OpenCL and CUDA are basic enough that I feel comfortable sharing them here:

ECBM E4040: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Course Instructor Semester(s) Year
Prof. Zoran Kositc Fall 2020


  • Course assistance through guided examples and teaching hours.
  • Assignment, exam and project grading.

Misc. Teaching Material

ECBM E6040: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Research

This course was fluidly taught through the medium of regular lectures and guest speakers. Occasionally, students would be tasked with preparing a full lecture on an interesting paper or concept. I contributed with two sessions: a primer on adversarial learning, and a deep dive of the Single-Shot Multi-box Detector (SSD) for object localization/detection.

My notes on the SSD are lost. If I find them, I’ll include them here. The Jupyter Notebook on Adversarial Learning is readily available though: